Thursday, July 18, 2019

What We Say to Teens Matters

person from knees down, wearing blue jeans and pink converse all stars, standing in front of a rusting wall
Image credit  Pexels
There's an important post on Teen Librarian Toolbox about mental health, teens, and the impact that we as adults in their lives can have.  One quote:  "the weight of our words is a burden that our teens will carry with them long after we have forgotten that we have even spoken them.  So choose your words wisely each and every time."

I think it is also true that at times, our words can be a gift that our teens carry with them long after we have forgotten we have spoken them.  Respect, kindness, validation all have a deep and lasting affect as well.  And the more we know about issues related to mental health, the more likely we are to be able to be giving a gift instead of a burden.

Some resources for helping you learn about teens and mental health:
Resources to Support Adolescent Mental Health from Health and Human Services
National Alliance on Mental Illness 

Local resources:
Mental Health Task Force of Polk County
Chippewa Valley Mental Health Matters

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