Friday, July 12, 2019

Understanding Child Poverty in Wisconsin

According to 2017 data from the Institute for Research on Poverty, Eau Claire and Chippewa Counties are two of the three counties in the state that have a higher rate of child poverty than the rest of the state.  Yikes!  What is happening?

To learn more, I'm hoping to attend an upcoming webinar by Timothy Smeeding from the UW-Madison's Institute for Research on Poverty--Wisconsin Poverty Report Update:  Why Isn't the Economy Doing More to Reduce Poverty in Wisconsin?  Wednesday, July 17, 1-2 pm.  Register here.

Researchers at the Institute for  Research on Poverty released the 11th Annual Wisconsin Poverty Report on June 24th.  The report found that, despite an improving economy in the state, poverty levels are about the same as in the years in the immediate recovery from the Great Recession.  In this webinar, report author Timothy Smeeding will discuss the findings of the report, including possible explanations for why the economy isn't doing more to lift people out of poverty in the state, and directions for policy that could help.  Register here

A map of WI counties, color coded to show counties that have above, below, or equal to the state child poverty rate.  Chippewa, Eau Claire, and Milwaukee are all higher than state poverty rate.  St. Croix, Dunn, Pierce, Pepin, Buffalo, Trempealeau, Jackson, Monroe, Vernon, Crawford, Outagamie, Fond du Lac, Dodge, Jefferson, Walworth, Waukesha, Washington, Ozaukee, Sheboygan, Calumet, Manitowoc, Kewaunee, Vilas, Oneida, Lincoln, Langlade, and Forest counties all have a lower rate of child poverty than the state average.
Image from 

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