Friday, May 30, 2014

A few pre-weekend nuggets

If you are anything like me, it is difficult to be inside working on a day like this (especially when there is so much work to be done OUTSIDE at home!).  Here are a few tidbits I've run across this week that might make staring at your computer more fun.

No Time for Flashcards has a great list of 50 summertime activities to do with a 3-year-old.  There are lots of these ideas that would be a great addition to a program for preschoolers, or that could be adapted for an early literacy environment.

The inimitable John Green created a Mental Floss video with 47 Charming Facts about children's books and their authors.

The ALSC Blog has a really interesting idea for making books more social by having a special collection where you invite readers to write notes/doodle/etc. in the margins.

Happy weekend inspiration!

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