Super Heroes Being Super-Heroic

She-Ra, a real-life superhero
We had a terrific workshop this week, thinking hard about summer programs in the context of youth services programming all year long.  Fabulous keynote speakers Shawn Brommer (South Central Library System) and Sue Abrahamson talked us through some good approaches to thinking hard about the outcomes we desire for our summer programs and how to get there.  The afternoon was full of amazing break-out sessions with IFLS librarians, super-heroically talking about collaboration, outreach and promotion, stealth programming, using teen volunteers and more.  It was INSPIRING, I tell you, INSPIRING!   Check out the web page with links.

One of my favorite things that we did during the keynote was identify our own super power, write it on an index card, and attach it to ourselves.  There are some marvelous superpowers out there.  Here are a few I remember:
