We Are Kid Lit Summer Reading List 2019

Book jacket for Bowwow Powwow, green truck with 2 people driving on a rural roadBook jacket for Darius the Great Is Not Okay, backs of two people sitting and looking over a cityBook jacket for Frazzled:  Oridnary Mishaps and Inevitable Catastrophes.  Cartoonish drawing of frazzled-looking girl reaching out to a gray cat

The We Are Kid Lit Collective is dedicated to promoting high quality literature for kids that recognize and celebrate the humanity of Indigenous and People of Color (IPOC).  They created a summer reading list that celebrates diversity, inclusivity, and social justice.  It emphasizes IPOC, people with disabilities, and LGBTQIA+ communities.  A great resource for readers' advisory, choosing book discussion books, finding books to feature in programs, and more.  I've expanded my own reading list after looking at the list--maybe you will too!

Teaching Books has created a bunch of resources for working with these books, as well.  Check it out!

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