Default to Kindness

chalk drawing with the words Be Kind
I was talking with a youth services librarian I admire last week.  She said something that really struck me, and I asked her if I could share it in my blog.  She said yes, but demurred when I asked if I could give her credit, so you'll just have to let this tip be anonymous.

My friend was talking passionately about the people who use the library and the important role librarians play in the lives of many folks--including people who are desperately craving a human connection.  We don't know the whole story of what people are up against, and we don't always need to.  Sometimes they are challenging to serve for various reasons.  But she recommends that in applying our policies and providing service, if we start out by defaulting to kindness, that's a good place to start.

One of the many, many reasons I'm so honored and thankful to work with librarians.