Opportunity to Share Information!

We need to spread the word that the earliest weeks matter!
Many thanks to Saroj Ghoting, Early Literacy Consultant (and popular workshop presenter) for pointing out the interesting results of a Zero to Three parent survey.  Major points are summarized here, and the full report is here.

The information reported here shows that there is definitely a need for us to share information with parents and caregivers about critical development periods for infants and toddlers!  Below, I'm basically quoting a post Saroj made on an ALSC listserv:

The time of most rapid brain development occurs during the first 3 years. While 63% of parents identified this correctly, more than 34% said that the time of most rapid brain growth is 3 to 5 years, a significant underestimation of the importance of the earliest years.  Parents overall consistently underestimate just how early children can be affected by some critical experiences:

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