Free Early Childhood Nurturing and Development Webinars

A toddler from Bloomer enjoys a nurturing and developmentally rich environment at the library
Early Childhood Investigations recently announced the free  Start Kids Bright series of webinars (sponsored by the United Way Center for Excellence in Early Education). The purpose of the Start Kids Bright Series is to highlight best practice for programs serving infants and toddlers. This year's series focuses on attachment, sensitive and responsive care, and meeting the needs of infants and toddlers in dual language environments.

While these webinars aren't directly targeted to librarians, the developmental information they hold will be helpful to librarians in thinking about conversations with families, programs, and possibly even collections.  It's always good to get out of the library box and hear what experts in related fields have to say, so I'm looking forward to these webinars, which will all be recorded for later listening:

Nurturing Secure Attachments for Infants and Toddlers: The Key to Optimal Emotional Development.  Presented by Dr. Alice Sterling Honig.  March 9, 1-2:30 pm (CST)

Why Infant Mental Health Experts Say Sensitive Care and Play Trump Early Academics.  Presented by Ruth Ann Hammond.  April 27, 1-3 pm (CDT)

Nurturing Bilingual Infants and Toddlers.  Presented by Karen Nemeth.  August 31, 1-2:30 (CDT)

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