Inspiring Even When Gone

Yesterday, Pete Seeger, a folksinger, activist and storyteller who had a profound effect on the world, died at the age of 94.  I just found out, and I'm sitting here at work, weeping.  When I think about the important influences of my life, Pete Seeger ranks up there right after family members.  I grew up listening to his records, singing his songs and laughing at his stories, attending his concerts and always being invited to sing along.  My desire to make the world a better, more inclusive place has its roots in Pete Seeger's inspiration.

Pete Seeger, inviting people to sing along

Pete said, "Be wary of great leaders.  Hope that there are many, many small leaders."  I think of the ripple effect he's had, of all the people in the world who are doing their small parts to try to work for justice or environmental causes partly because Pete Seeger said they could.  I'm imagining the incredibly powerful experience of singing together and the hope and strength that can come from it.  I'm deeply grateful to have been exposed to his work and his humor and his determination to speak truth to power, and I hope that something of his inclusive, joyful spirit can live on in my work in the library world.

A display of books and music by Pete Seeger would be a lovely tribute this week...