Resources for Dealing with Tragedies

All of us are reeling after the tragedy last Friday.  You might have some parents or kids looking for help in dealing with the stress, grief, fear, and other feelings that are roused by such a horrific event.  Here are a few tip sheets and bibliographies that might be useful to you as you try to sensitively answer those questions. A display might be a good way to get the information out there to people who don't want to ask.

Do you have other books that you would recommend?


Bibliography from the Cooperative Children's Book Center, dealing with grief and loss

South Central Library System set up a resource about helping kids deal with tragedy

Center for Children's Books Bibliography about coping with death

Boston Public Library Bibliography: Times of Grief and Sadness

Tip Sheets:

 Child Mind Institute:  Helping Your Child Deal with Frightening News

Child Mind Institute:  Going Back to School After a Tragedy

National Association of School Psychologists tip sheet

National Association of School Principals tip sheet (also in Spanish)
Love and Logic tip sheet for dealing with tragedy



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