We love performers!

Remember to sign up for the 2011 Performer Showcase! With budget dollars shrinking, it is more important than ever to see what you are getting--you don't want to waste your scarce resources on a bust. September 22, 1-3:30 at the L. E. Phillips Memorial Public Library, we'll squeeze in 10 performances by musicians, animal educators, storytellers, a magician, a juggler, and probably some others I've forgotten. There should be something for everyone, and for most budgets.

You can also get some great ideas from each other--share about terrific performers by sending me a note and a photo, and I'll post. Post to the IFLS youth services listserv (members only: youthservices @ lists.iflsweb.org) if you want to bring up a discussion about a performer you want an honest opinion about, or if you have had a bad experience you want to warn others to avoid!

A few weeks ago, Jenna Gilles in Fall Creek had GREAT response to Ken Lonnquist, singer from Madison (and a performer at our showcase a few years back):

We collaborated with Beaver Creek Reserve to bring Ken Lonnquist from Madison. He was absolutely fantastic! Very inviting, interactive, and a joker to boot! He was a HUGE hit with adults as he wasn't afraid to throw some adult humour into his glib and songs! We had a smallish crowd, so he was very relaxed, impromptu, and made numerous songs up on the spot. Very Very Entertaining. We had a few trouble-makers and he took it all in stride.

What have been your best and worst programs this summer?? Tell all!

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