Printz Speeches Videos!

If you (or your patrons) are like me, you are:
You will be very excited to see that Booklist has made a video recording of the authors speaking at the Young Adult Library Services Association's Printz Award Ceremony. If you check it out, you'll hear about the inspiration and appreciation of several fine authors:

Libba Bray, who won the award for Going Bovine
Adam Rapp, honored for Punkzilla
Deb Heiligman, honored for Charles and Emma: The Darwins' Leap of Faith
Rick Yancy, honored for The Monstrumologist
John Barnes, honored for Tales of the Madman Underground

It is so thrilling to hear the dedication and care these authors have for their craft and for their audience. It made me decide that I will think about trying to write a book, after all. And that is good news, I hope.

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